Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ora-00911 International Character

gift winter

Подарок зимы, весёлая снежинка

Remember the nursery song, "If it had not been winter? Your winter is sure to become a bustling and cheerful.

Above all, no matter how many years you may be, do not hesitate, on occasion, even have some fun just like a child. After all, those who conduct themselves too mature and serious in life is not so much real fun.

Get your winter gift .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Curtains And Blinds Ideas

Y at-il du monde au balcon?

«All flat girl's flat in equal measure,
all big tits - big tits in his own way »
à la Tolstoy

For all holders of small breast perceived men in most of the same: they are flat as a board!
male gaze nothing to cling to, no place for imagination, and comparison to the monotonous banality: board, table, pancake, fish variation (roach, flounder)

as flat as a board / pancake - board, pancake
flach wie ein (Bügel) brett - ironing board
plate comme une planche à repasser / une limande - ironing board, flounder-ruff
piatta come un'asse da stiro / un tavolo - ironing board, Table

When it comes to the larger forms, forms that excite the minds and not only, then turns of phrase have become more clever (after all, directly show his admiration for big breast indecent). Particularly interesting instance where the word "breast" is not trite replaced by watermelon / melon / pumpkin and other "heavenly" fruit, and represent, so to speak, "full" euphemism. That's what I could find:

She is well-endowed ( she is well equipped )
Tiene un gran pechonalidad ( her big grudolichnost, breast + personality ) - strictly speaking this is the same change, but what is creative. They say such an expression was due to political correctness. After all, how often hear complaints of a busty, that a strong floor looks primarily at their breasts, and no notice of their personality. And that is and more! :-)
Sie hat ordentlich Holz vor der Hütte ( her decently firewood in front of the hut ) - the origin of this expression is unclear. Possibly derived from the ancient custom, when young men threw their spears in front of the hut of a girl who was particularly fond of them. The more copies ("wood"), the popular girl. In my opinion, everything is clear without further explanation:)
Il ya du monde au balcon ( on the balcony of a lot of people ) - apparently there is a connection with the form of specially open, low-bra, called balconette.

Russian and Italians are a little disappointed: I have not met any interesting phrases that have been widely circulated. I wonder just what in both languages, this part of the body replaces the other - the eyes:
- She has such big eyes ...
- Che begli occhi quella ragazza ( what beautiful eyes of this girl )
Here, of course, without context (or clues in the form of facial expression, gesture and intonation) could not tell whether it's the eyes, or, yet, on the subject of male lust.
Or I do something missed and there are other interesting options?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sffairs With Famous Actress

little about Alyssa

After Alyssa year old, I had a strong feeling that she was real little man. Until then (or rather to the time that she did not go well), it seemed that, yes, here is a little koposchascheesya somewhere at the foot of a creature - it is a baby, nesmyslenysh, lowed something sometimes and almost always pull everything into his mouth.

And now ... look at the photos and do not believe that this pot of an inch only a year and seven months. First I bother, it does not say anything (in the year there was only one word "daddy"), and now she babbles constantly, repeating all the words for older and quite laughing at the same time. Says little phrases like "Daddy home," "prevent, clean up." Recently, my grandmother told me that she came to her and said "eat" on question "what shall we eat," said "makaroshki.

likes to walk, teeter, loves drawing with crayons at home on the windowsill, consider books, like, even beginning to recognize letters, colors, already knows the key, in books called many things. But a hit for her - is the machine. I've already bought, probably, all books about the machine for its age. Even "The Big Book of technology for kids," we already have. Can show and a concrete mixer and dump truck, and truck and a fire engine ... And so funny, but in reality instead of a bicycle spoke "lisoped" :-)

But still eats poorly and does not go to pot. Well, we still All ahead! :)))

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pennsylvania Backcountry Snowboard

weekdays in the office

I have today is the first time in his life put his hand into the toilet!

and she did not expect such heroics from him:) but it was necessary to save the mobile phone, who treacherously bulknul now downright THERE. Our IT people I cheered for the glory, when it came to him with guilt and zaglyuchivshim Device. On innocent question, "Does not anybody for me not to drop back mobile?" followed by a sudden for me to answer: "No, it has been dropped. But nobody tried to get ":)))

but after drying Nokia working again even where. No one would have guessed where she had been ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Human With Plastic In Stomach

a look at the physics of brownies?

No, I do not know what they are looking at them. Maybe it does. But some fabrications theoretical physicists, led me to think about what lies behind the "antics" brownies (which, for example. when things are even quite large vanish, and then appear in places where they searched for).

on "seditious" ideas made me an article about modern physics in the RR ( Russian reporter № 26, "Big Hadron Microscope: What to do physics in Dubna and in the universe "). Honestly, I overcame it with the second approach, the first time unnecessarily tripped on the second page, where there was talk about bombs and quark confinement. After reading this article understand something that is not present. But one concept has remained in my head hanging: there additional measurements of very small size which elementary particles can "feel". Particles can go to dop.izmereniya, whirl where to go or not go at all. And then I remembered about the house. What if not only particles, but whole objects can fall out like this in dop.izmerenie? Then Thus it explains all the strange disappearance! Well, if the item returned. But it also happens that the object disappeared from the ends. I'm so lost in his childhood home great children's book from the library. Just vanished. Kind, not back "from there," so there and stayed.

In general, I'm my "theory" like it hurt so simple and beautiful:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cervical Polyp Untreated

autumn beginning

I returned to Moscow, I returned to work, I came back to life, full of events and stress ... first, my soul was singing and shouting, "as I do not have enough! ". last two weeks, and my body started to protest. the very first howled my eyes: "hate the comp, especially excel, we have heartburn from it!" and began to show all doubly. then whined stomach that eat regularly and eat cold food is not used to it. ... and then the story is banal and simple. not we spend on it our valuable time.

incidentally, about the time. it, of course, is now missing. BUT: I also want to become a "master of time management". And would, if not prevented Some individuals who once said sarcastically: "Yeah, now you're talking to me and plan on how much there for me you have allotted minutes, seventeen or twenty-three? maybe I do not in your plans? "in general, with Management, some bad, but not all hope is lost.

here after all and LJ does not fit on the idea in my "new" life. it's just "nice to have", which really takes me a lot of time. INTERNET - EVIL! Such is the propaganda line runs sometimes in my brain. but has the same person the right to a hobby? brains need a rest, and sometimes trash. unless it leads to pressure sores and pain in his back.

in a word, I want to Learn, and will it is ... sometimes juzat. realistically looking at things, it "sometimes" can become "rare". poZhZhivem, we will see :-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Renting Thermal Image For House

summer break

Dear friends and everyone who reads me!

sorry that is not reported before, just a lot of things came over immediately. Since late April, I moved to the cottage with his family, and on the Internet where everything is very bad. Therefore, write and comment, will not be right up to the month of September. Unless you do not accidentally doorway to the Internet and I will have free time (like now, for example:)

All good summer!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Quadriderm Par Aque Sirve

sketch of the month

tomorrow flying to Frankfurt ...
before leaving for the May exhibit man:

in my opinion, it was some peasant girl:)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jena Jameson End Ruby

new advertising Intimissimi

saw recently on TV and ... I just trudge * mi scusi il linguaggio * of all: the song, from how to combine the movement of this beautiful girl with music, and even underwear like, though without frills, but on it - just as the super watch!

Somehow I was sure that she is Italian (or other European nations), as was ours! Russian girl from Emanzhelinska, with Tartar blood. A real discovery for me:)

Monday, April 5, 2010

X Episodes South Parknot Working On Ipod

Day Jams!

Hurrah! That's our first Birthday! :)

While the report did not write, just put up one photo from today's celebration.

been looking for where to go. All good children's centers far feared get into the tube. Therefore went to the beer garden:) No, you do not think that child to accustom the beer, just they have a kids' corner. And the lack of crowds posetetiteley We were just at hand.

Alyssa, like, loved it. Ate for both cheeks salad tasted mashed potatoes, rolled around on the swings, sitting on the bar, flirt with the bartender, made friends with the waitress, she screamed in delight from the fish in the aquarium and markups behaved pretty well.

PS a chalk-it is not in vain took it and then chewed them, delicious okzalis, however:)))

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pink Rabbit Slippers Adult Uk

sketch month

April, April, er macht, was er will!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How Does A Fibre Optic Tree Work


Known, so are vacations, which means you can concentrate on his hobbies extensively. That was until tonight by 3 first Modern Warfare 2, because the map pack came out. But basically it is more the guitar. I try to make reasonably clear what I have made the days so. Actually, I just wanted to play Triptych, a song for which you need the tremolo. I've long since used and so I've only now noticed that the tremolo system of tune the whole guitar up a tone when it anfässt. This has been the ausgeschlackerte springs. So I started to screw, and if you start already ...

First wanted everything has to be sterilized. Between the pickups and the rear doors to accumulate over the years of the worst real dirt. XD

Then it was a screw and clamp the two new springs for the tremolo system. A little adjusting of the screw, et voila. Click once to compare the old, worn-out, which already started to oxidize. Color very nicely.

beautiful. XD Then raise once new strings, because without you can not get the tremolo system into balance, yet conduct the due review on octave purity.

* * * aquatic invertebrates * I do not know why, but live guitarists find it totally amazing to have the strings swirl Sun I find totally ridiculous and annoying, so chuck it out and away! After the strings are stretched, we can bring the tremolo and the bridge in line. Ideally, the bridge is parallel to the body, which can be achieved with the screws on the tremolo springs in order to increase or decrease the tension.

the end it was the first time since I have this guitar, and they are probably now more than 3 years to check the purity octave. Basically this means: When I was 12 (24) grab higher frets, the sound is exactly one (two) octaves higher. Setting the can with the little screws on the bridge you see here.

And that's really crap ne work. It extended or shortened so that is the string length from saddle to the bridge, that is, after each vote you have to screw and then examine what has brought it. This takes for ages for a string, and the guitar has six. XD

Et voila: Gitah shines like new. With slightly elevated Action, new strings, clean frets, adjusted tremolo and new springs. Ohja clean. Tadaaaaa ~

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Using Teddy Bears For Masterbation

tuk-tuk, who lives in the house?

and you know with whom did you live, who your neighbors are, and how call them? :) Think it's a simple question? it seems that the translation into Italian of the word "neighbor" have a little think.

there are several options for a neighbor neighbor - are different.

take roommate (often in dormitories). It's all quite simple, it's - compagno di stanza

then happens housemate , which, as you pay the rent and utilities. In Russia, those can be neighbors in the communal, and in Europe, most often it is students who are with you rent accommodation, consisting of several rooms. These are called coinquilino

but if your neighbor lives with you in the apartment, but does not pay for anything (ie not considered as a tenant - inquilino), it can be had called coabitatore . This may be a man from Odessa and the ubiquitous cockroach mustache:) Although the word is rarely used, I think. Well, unless you talk about the same Prusak: Uno scarafaggio è il coabitatore meno preferito nelle nostre case

Finally, there is simply housemate . This is about them, we think, when the knock on the battery, and demand to "stop this outrage!". Of course, we are talking about vicino di casa . Still comes across a word casigliano in the same sense, but it seems to me, it is not used everywhere, and in certain regions.

but will return More to coabitatore. For some reason I immediately wanted to translate it as "companion" :-) But roommate Italian will convivente . And without any negative shade, which is available in Russian. In Europe, living in cohabiting relationships, ie convivenza, is not considered something shameful and in some respects equivalent in some countries to this marriage (from a legal point of view). The word is used in official contexts.

and, finally, there is still mention satellite Life , which is a synonym for "roommate", but a completely different stylistic coloring, - compagno di vita . It seems to me, as in Russian, the Italian this word is frequently heard from the lips of older people, as well as marriage announcements. The Italian "life companion" can still call and home animals, for example. dogs.

the way, if we are in Russian, almost all these words can be translated as "neighbor", in German it will be a "companion" in a literal переводе (т.е. тот, кто живет вместе кем c-то) - Mitbewohner

roommate - Mitbewohner (Zimmergenosse) - сосед (по комнате)
roommate - Mitbewohner                                         - сосед (по квартире или дому)
coabitatore                             - Mitbewohner                                          - Сосед (по квартире)
neighbor / Castilian - Nachbar - сосед
convivente                              - Lebensgefährte                                    - Сожитель (гражданский муж)
life partner - Lebensgefährte - Helpmeet

dwell on it, although there could still go further and consider the difference between ragazzo, amico intimo, moroso, fidanzato etc. In this matter, I slightly, not enough experience stay in Italy:)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tkd Uniforms For Women

how to obtain Russian citizenship

yes, how to get it, especially if it is to you at birth is assumed? What kind of nonsense, you say. And here and there, some state officials may try to earn this business. Ie on ignorance of the laws of ordinary people.

today I had half a day at the platoon, fumed and raged ... but right now I know my child :-)

and it was like this: I sent my husband at that institution, which should put the stamp of nationality (or liner, that there really do not know) for our daughter, because after that we were going to apply for a child passport. Yeah, summer really want to go to grandma baby, and going to a wedding brother. But he said that's not so simple. Since the child already has German citizenship, you must send a request to the Foreign Ministry, is there an agreement on dual citizenship between Russia and Germany, that a petition for citizenship is considered from 2 to 6 months, and some other nonsense. The husband has not given money and left.

I contacted with the German embassy in Moscow, received advice from a lawyer, had delved into the Federal Law of 31 May 2002 N 62-FZ "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" and realized that all this my husband was a complete nonsense. Spread those two articles that relate to our situation. Maybe someone will be interested to know that:

* * *

Article 6. Dual citizenship
1. citizen of the Russian Federation, which has also another citizenship, is considered the Russian Federation only as a citizen of the Russian Federation , except as provided for in international treaties of the Russian Federation or the federal law.
2. Acquisition of a Russian citizen of another citizenship does not entail the termination of the citizenship of the Russian Federation .

Article 12. The acquisition of Russian citizenship by birth
1. child acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation at birth if at a child's birthday:
a) both of his parents or single parent are citizens of the Russian Federation (regardless of place of birth of child);
b) one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the other parent is a stateless person, or declared missing, or its location is not known (regardless of place of birth);
a) one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the other parent is a foreign national, provided that a child born in the territory of the Russian Federation or if otherwise he will face stateless;
d) both of his parents or single parent living on the territory of the Russian Federation are foreign nationals or stateless persons, provided that a child born in the territory of the Russian Federation, and the State of which are his parents или единственный его родитель, не предоставляет ребенку свое гражданство.

* * * 

Я поняла, что мой ребенок уже в момент своего рождения приобрел citizenship of the Russian Federation (and German too) and that his second nationality does not affect anything. And in Russia it is considered extremely As a Russian citizen.
Total, there can be no question of acquisition of nationality. It already is. It is only necessary to fix dokumetalno.

I was ready to discuss in detail the law with the civil servant who claimed to something else, even to write an application addressed to Chief of FMS Mountains. Moscow Karpovtsu FW, when he (not Karpovets, of course, a civil servant) called her husband on the mobile, apologized and said that tomorrow, all documents will be ready. I stayed again in shock, this time in a positive :-) Here I do not know, until he himself realized that his brazen lies on one, two, or they will bite someone suggested? Wonderful miracles befell Russia in the ...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mobile Handset Market Share India


very nice post about the spring, could not resist quoting from myself:)

On the way to spring - Verso la primavera

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Recipes After Laparascopic Fundoplication

Casket words

have a lot of words that I remembered their consonance with related words in other languages.
yet, (Indo) European languages - a big Family:)

se gâter - guastarsi
fuir - fuggire
saisir - to seize
oisif - ozioso
la mouette - die Mö ; we
le vaisseau - a vessel
le témoin - il testimone
en voie de - in via di

course, such words are very much ... but somehow wanted to write these:)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Chemo Scarf With Hair

sketch As word of the month

occurred calendar spring ...
interesting and real when it comes? :)

UPD: and this came on March 25

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Command Conquer 3 Install Interrupted

shalt both your image and swim:)

Earlier incorrect pronunciation of words was a sign of ignorance, but now this statement is not so categorical. Our purely "Russian" language world flooded large number of foreign words that are "attacking" us every day on television, from the pages of magazines and newspapers, on radio and from the lips of others. Now correctly pronounced word, brand name or rather evidence of ignorance. Sometimes the wrong pronunciation may even damage the image, exposing "Blundered" into a "backward from life" or outdated, nesledyaschego what's new man.

not know everything, but many interested possible. So I often wonder how to pronounce one or another foreign word often pop up in everyday life. Many words (brand names, names ownership, etc.) rather familiar visual - sign shops, logos on the products mentioned in brochures, magazines ... Hence the error in pronunciation. And you can live for years without knowing about the mistake! Not yet run into with someone who made a wry face at your Nizhny Novgorod pronons " and indicate an error.

confess that I did not know the correct pronunciation of most of those examples are given below. I have grouped them by the alleged reasons which have led to errors in pronunciation:

1. Ignorance of the rules of reading a foreign language
- classics of the genre was already well draws the mouth Lamborghini (instead Lamborg and no * - Lamborghini ), a similar story with Chico (instead to and RUC - Chicco ), although perhaps the reason number 2
- first place in Mangling belongs, probably, long-suffering gnocchi - instead Hb e UCI can hear gnochi and gnocchi, notsi and more options for coming up with the Germans. Culinary error list, consisting of Italian and French cuisine, wine, etc. can continue indefinitely

2. Ignorance of the rules of reading the language to read word
- all famous brand jeans Levi's baffled by those who knows or suspects of non-English roots of the proper name. The name of the founder this company - a Jew, a native of Bavaria - was Levi, and therefore the brand and sometimes read as "Lewis". However, he founded it in America and spoke it into English manners - l and Weiss
- an interesting example - the name of a Japanese animation studio Ghibli . The word comes from Italian and, therefore, the correct pronunciation Mr. and nearest , but historically, that in Japan (and in other countries for their example), it is pronounced "dzibli" (for the Japanese transcription This name was chosen by mistake / failure of a combination of characters)

3. Ignorance of the non-standard reading
- English is known to many, but and then has its own characteristics, because as the old saying "write Liverpool, Manchester read." For example, the well-known edob ( Adobe ) is al of ubi
- from the same series and the world famous Nike - even his fans sometimes do not know that he is not Nike, but Mr. and yki !

4. No Rules read as such
- think here comes the familiar sweet tooth, and not only Häagen Dazs . This name was coined and has been associated consumers with the Scandinavian countries. Even knowing the rules of reading in those languages, not to guess the "correct" pronunciation - x and gene g and with

There are still those words, pronunciations are irrelevant to us. For example, a word is a photocopier ( is and Rex - Xerox ) - is pronunciation has resisted and has become the norm in the Russian language.

If all of the examples I had known you, I'm happy for you! And if not now, then you in the know! :-)

* not write transcription of words, because Not all words could find them; stressed vowel in bold

Friday, February 26, 2010

Words Of Sympathy French

spring foreboding

plus one - nil - Plus two,
blackened winter!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Difference Between Simvastatin Pravastatin

aeppelwoi @ 2010-02-22T12: 27:00

my muse left me ... proved that even a bird: where the wind blows, there she is. and the wind, obviously, not from the sea blew. She leaned in warmer climes in the autumn. say it is now the bread in one opera singer in Spain
and I, as a hibernating fall failed hard given its absence. really looking forward to spring, maybe, back, prodigal the soul?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Iso Flex Protein Shakes

aeppelwoi @ 2010-02-18T07: 10:00

(1) insolito insonnolito
(2) nascosto è discosto dalla costa
(3) sfigato si è sfogato

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cheese Omlet Calories Ihop

how to teach language using a tandem?

all, I gave up ...
after five months of trying to find a little bit normal tandem partner for learning Italian, I must admit that no-che-ho-shenki failed. I do not know what was going on ... or whom? Maybe this thing in me?? I want too much? Or conversely, like too little and not that? :)

I registered at two sites that position themselves as portals for the study languages. At one of them have the option of searching tandem partner, other created specifically to find partners for learning languages.
Keenly aware that young people (ie aged 35-40 years. yes, now many men consider themselves to be more th-th and 40 years old and ready for adventure, especially the Italians), mostly want to meet and no serious language lessons here it will not go, I filtered candidates and wrote a couple of requests .
Responses came from a girl 24 years old, studying Russian, and men 43 years of Venice. The girl was still windy, as it should be at this age. Russian she had a very low level, I spent a lot of time to fix and sometimes could not even understand what she meant. She began to write less, then there was the story of "a broken computer, which broke down twice, and the third time, apparently broke it. boring, perhaps, was with me.
From our man, "a novel in letters" lasted for nothing. Writing me a couple of short email, pledges of interest, with the final phrase "I'll write more later," and "Recently I had a lot of work," he disappeared from the skyline.

After the first failure, I decided not to write to anyone, and wait passively. Request comes in many, exclusively on men . But more often I first look at their profile realized that "it will not burn out": an individual who has "Friend" means a hundred girls, or that almost not engaged in the tongue (seen in profile, which describes the progress of learning), patchy set of Turks, Indians, etc. who wish to communicate in English (Here Russian or German, which I offered in return, I ask you?) Or a user with an almost empty profile, writing an email, consisting of pairs of words such as "hello", "how are you." In general, the animal did not go to the catcher.

And once I gave the fluff and hooked . Came an email with an innocent question, I do not know if I have other such portals. Struck up a correspondence. I thought it was - a girl, and willingly answered. At one point I got a "control" question. As if by chance "she" was asked the reason why I moved to Moscow and that she was interested, because it has a familiar pair of bilinguals who also emigrated. Without feeling dirty trick, said everything as in the spirit. Before the guy (as I later realized) realized that there is nothing to catch him more and he ejected.

There was a couple of queries from completely, it would seem appropriate people. One Italian, forty, married, works at the German-Italian company, the language needed for the job. Level of knowledge like me, that is, change accounted for in the same volume. And again, twenty five - a couple of email and the silence at the end of the tube ... I think here the fact that we were each other uninteresting. He talked about himself, I was more silent. Well, to hell with it.
came across young boys (ie 24-27 years) living in Germany. One even from Frankfurt. Upon learning that the city I was not a stranger, and I go there, he was inspirational, began asking about interests, etc. Then he made a fatal mistake by sending me an article on the Italian pro boxing bout between Klitschko and somebody else, offering to discuss (for the development of my Italian). Here I have already sent the boy. Became clear why he was looking for a girl on the Internet, with such an idiot in my life no one to speak for longer than five minutes will not be.
Another, a guy 26 years old, passed to practice in Airbus in Hamburg. I immediately unsubscribed, he had better communicate with native speaker, this time, and hinted that I kind of old for him (immediately realizing that it is again "blank shot") is two. The hint did not work. I have openly said that I have a small child, time is not so much, etc. The boy insisted, claiming that "all nor how much we all go around the obstacles. " "Hosspydya" I thought, and decided to give a chance. After the first serious email (please tell him how he got to Airbus), written in Italian and German, I did not wait for an answer. Crushed intellect or what? Ie he realized that not Senka hat and he will not pull this level?

And here's one recent example, my last hope . Go tell my crystal shattered dream. But it all began so well! Respond to a request directly to the forehead: I do not know, I do not know, because have all been disappointed, etc. And he told me, Duc I do not know what's going on with people, to stop responding! Hooray, I think, fellow-sufferer! But then again, so gently begin to recognize how serious a person intent, how long he is prepared to pay a "tuition." Then discuss how to learn. I confess that I mainly offer, and he agreed, at the same time but did not seem unwilling boot. His level of German downright pleased with (my Italian a little worse, although the vocabulary is more), he replied, in effect, but not dry. In general, I'm in the mood for a serious work and send the text for discussion. I suggested to start with German (to please him, yet rarely come across such motivated people). And then ... right no greeting, no answer. I'm still not quite believing in such a bummer, asked if he could very busy, can I do something wrong .. ehh ... "my life - tin!»

After all these "non-private stories of love," I began to wonder, why all attempts turned into a failure? Maybe I'm not so behaved? Too crushed? It seems not. Level is too high and seemed timid partners? Why, because in the latter case, on the contrary it (but a small difference, which is not would create problems.) Someone obviously was not enough motivation in this case, it is clear. But there were other people in the seriousness of one's intentions, I never doubted ... In general, an alien soul - darkness. Just as a lot of darkness to my lot got.

And it would be sad, unless one exception . Will not hide the fact that all the same good fortune smiled at me once. Almost at the beginning of this epic, I surf the filters found Italians are over forty, who in the profile was only one woman in friends and in the photo, he looked pretty intelligently. I wrote him a short email, humbly asking how he feels and whether it makes sense on this portal to communicate, and then I'm a newbie, I know nothing. And, of happiness, he was a teacher of Italian who likes to edit the work of others, and which he teaches German. He offered me his help. All this time we just kept sending each other texts in check (sometimes with a rather long pause, because it does not always happened mood to write), almost no talking to other topics. It seems that both sides are satisfied, but I do not know how long ... (ugh, ugh, ugh)

And yet, question to the audience: you have a positive experience learning the language on the Internet through communication?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fluid In Heart And Lungs

in the footsteps of "Narcology" Makarevich

day before yesterday was a book Makarevich and Gerber, "Men drink, drug and alcohol abuse, or entertaining-2. Bought it for my husband, but is itself a bit flipped. I understood that this is exactly what he wanted from which he simply "drags like a boa constrictor on the glass wool (his words:)
book, of course, elegant, with lots of pictures (ie pictures of those times that mentioned in the book), there was even mention of my favorite "Katzenjammer" (uvazhayu!) in linguistic retreat. I can not say more, since not read and scroll. But the man swallowed it in one evening, during which I have always heard cheers like "paw, listen ..." and there was a quote from the book.

Book it so inspired that he decided to write his "Addiction", namely, beer (not only), and 90's, it's students. Beer, because the book on its word. This morning he gave me to read the first four pages. I liked it. Although much of this I've heard of his stories. But others must be interesting, I think so. He will lay out all of LiveJournal.

If anyone interested, this here .

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

P90x Plyometrics Workout Free Live Stream

sei sfigato o sfogato?

I came across an interesting pair in Italian:
sfigato (unlucky, loser) and sfogato (free, open)

I'm glad that they can come up with a good pun (or find itself on the Internet) because such couples caught infrequently. But it turned out that as an adjective sfogato almost never used. And stylistically, these words are spaced far apart from each other. But found one solution - to use the verbal form sfogato. And that's what I got:

Ma quanto sei sfigato [non hai nessun amico con cui parlare] che ti sei sfogato con il primo tamarro che hai incontrato fuori?!
How Well you must be unhappy, [you have absolutely no friends to complain] to pour out his soul to the first comer to the peasant?

write out of one's own head such that she could barely move:)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kates Playground Rope

time competing with the German Russian

What is small, but how important is the word - the preposition "to". Especially fond of his superiors by giving deadlines: "This draft should be ready by Thursday! "," You have to fix everything until tomorrow, "" Before the holidays still have time to remake a hundred times. " In Russian, it has Several similar meaning fellow, prepositions "to" and "on." But in the German language, all fit into one of "bis", which translates as "up up "or just" before ". But this simplicity conceals a dirty trick.

Sie ist bis Freitag im Urlaub - this phrase can be heard very often. And at first glance sounds like a translation, "she on vacation until Friday. " So, yeah not so! "She's on vacation until Monday" - this is the everyday meaning of the phrase. And to blame the same trick: the German "to" include a one time slot, which mentions. Total, "until Friday" means "including Friday."

course, not all combinations can be felt. For example, bis bald, bis dann, bis morgen , in the end, do not cause any problems for the Russian mind. Probably because they have expressed no deadline, but only goodbye "to soon", "long" (literally "before then)," until tomorrow ". But when it comes to the days of the week and month, etc. may well be wrong, if you do not know this feature of the German language.

And what more accurately translated into Russian, this "up" to avoid confusion? There is still an option to "on" But is he to be "inclusive"? It seems not. Thus says the dictionary:
on - board with DMG!. when you specify the limit, the boundary distribution action; corresponds to the value preposition to.
to hang on a belt. Sleeve to the elbow. Wrap myself in his eyes. Read a textbook from the fifth to ten paragraphs.
It seems to me, "the tenth paragraph" means "including ten paragraphs, and other examples do not fit.

And how to say "up" in German, so that made sense, as in "up" in the Russian understanding? And after all, you just take off one unit of time. Other options, I do not know. And accept with the idea that Germans and Russian in many ways represent the time frame.

... and turns for some reason in my head this song:

«See you tomorrow! Parting words do not say ...
tomorrow! Before the first reflections of the dawn ...
I say goodbye to you until tomorrow »