Saturday, February 27, 2010

Command Conquer 3 Install Interrupted

shalt both your image and swim:)

Earlier incorrect pronunciation of words was a sign of ignorance, but now this statement is not so categorical. Our purely "Russian" language world flooded large number of foreign words that are "attacking" us every day on television, from the pages of magazines and newspapers, on radio and from the lips of others. Now correctly pronounced word, brand name or rather evidence of ignorance. Sometimes the wrong pronunciation may even damage the image, exposing "Blundered" into a "backward from life" or outdated, nesledyaschego what's new man.

not know everything, but many interested possible. So I often wonder how to pronounce one or another foreign word often pop up in everyday life. Many words (brand names, names ownership, etc.) rather familiar visual - sign shops, logos on the products mentioned in brochures, magazines ... Hence the error in pronunciation. And you can live for years without knowing about the mistake! Not yet run into with someone who made a wry face at your Nizhny Novgorod pronons " and indicate an error.

confess that I did not know the correct pronunciation of most of those examples are given below. I have grouped them by the alleged reasons which have led to errors in pronunciation:

1. Ignorance of the rules of reading a foreign language
- classics of the genre was already well draws the mouth Lamborghini (instead Lamborg and no * - Lamborghini ), a similar story with Chico (instead to and RUC - Chicco ), although perhaps the reason number 2
- first place in Mangling belongs, probably, long-suffering gnocchi - instead Hb e UCI can hear gnochi and gnocchi, notsi and more options for coming up with the Germans. Culinary error list, consisting of Italian and French cuisine, wine, etc. can continue indefinitely

2. Ignorance of the rules of reading the language to read word
- all famous brand jeans Levi's baffled by those who knows or suspects of non-English roots of the proper name. The name of the founder this company - a Jew, a native of Bavaria - was Levi, and therefore the brand and sometimes read as "Lewis". However, he founded it in America and spoke it into English manners - l and Weiss
- an interesting example - the name of a Japanese animation studio Ghibli . The word comes from Italian and, therefore, the correct pronunciation Mr. and nearest , but historically, that in Japan (and in other countries for their example), it is pronounced "dzibli" (for the Japanese transcription This name was chosen by mistake / failure of a combination of characters)

3. Ignorance of the non-standard reading
- English is known to many, but and then has its own characteristics, because as the old saying "write Liverpool, Manchester read." For example, the well-known edob ( Adobe ) is al of ubi
- from the same series and the world famous Nike - even his fans sometimes do not know that he is not Nike, but Mr. and yki !

4. No Rules read as such
- think here comes the familiar sweet tooth, and not only Häagen Dazs . This name was coined and has been associated consumers with the Scandinavian countries. Even knowing the rules of reading in those languages, not to guess the "correct" pronunciation - x and gene g and with

There are still those words, pronunciations are irrelevant to us. For example, a word is a photocopier ( is and Rex - Xerox ) - is pronunciation has resisted and has become the norm in the Russian language.

If all of the examples I had known you, I'm happy for you! And if not now, then you in the know! :-)

* not write transcription of words, because Not all words could find them; stressed vowel in bold


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