Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is Yellow Urine A Symptom Of Menopause

Various German Musings

love? You know you love when allowed, if you give him his eyes and his heart look in it realize ...

* / *

Because you see me, although I prefer invisibility.
Because you hear me, even though my lips remain silent.
Because I feel you, even if you are miles away.
Because you'll take the time, even if you yourself have none.
Because you live, even if it would be easier to go.
Because you judge not, but you do not zuhoerst.Weil reparierst, but again you erschaffst.Weil not replace, completing the document.
Because you are my life. \u0026lt;3

* / *

is so much easier for people to cry, for we were no longer as a second choice than to take our own lives into their hands. & It does so much less painful to ask ourselves why we are not good enough to recognize as that there are people who never knew our value estimate. It costs less to lie to themselves than to face his own demons. No one is loved, to love and be tired. There are only broken promises, bad laminated lies and repeated disappointment to us exhausting being Sun However, it is sometimes better to go run and never see back. For some experiences are priceless.

* / *

bend myself put me in chains. Connect my eyes, my ankle. Gag me, put me in a drawer. Locking me away, I push the throat.

And my shoulders are too narrow for your burden, not my feet too tired for your trip and my hands are not too small to be your world is new to erschaffen.Doch in my breast no room for two souls.

But no matter how often you drueckst.Doch me down no matter how many times you break my resistance and no matter how often you choke my voice ...

is adapted my mind and my heart remains untamed.

* / *

And you stand there and smile me it would be the easiest an.Als standing there on the Welt.Du and look at me, mute your lips form words and my mind, as if he had never exists. And keep standing still, I can not view your time, still remembers my hand to the secure feeling surrounds your hands and your sense of smell could not present sein.Es these moments, magical and almost indestructible,
undoubtedly nervous and thinking in which my inmost spills over and getting lost in your arms wuenscht.Denn du .. you're a pure feeling.


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