Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can Exercise Worsen Floaters

gute Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr - buoni propositi per l'anno nuovo

Новый год, новый ежедневник (красный в этом году) и, конечно же, новые планы и намерения:

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- be sure to do's, no matter how busy or tired I am - five minutes there is always (yes, I have a quirk on the basis of diaries :)
- written in the diary of one word in the (working) day - no matter whether I know the word, or just repeat it
- always record the incoming messages - so often I just scroll through them in the head, and then they are forgotten
- sometimes mentally stop and try to pull away from the hustle and think about ... something more important in this life:)
- be patient, do not wind up with a half-turn
- not to make yourself extra stress by trying to embody all intentions! :-)))

never recorded their intentions (word-then what! Which there can be measured?), For thought and I believe even now that it will not work. But just for the sake of interest ... look in a year that came out of it:)

And you record your intentions?


Neues Jahr, ein neuer Terminkalender (rot ist er diesmal) und natürlich neue gute Vorsätze kommen angerannt:

- unbedingt alles in den Terminkalender eintragen, egal wie müde ich bin und wie wenig Zet ich habe - five minutes you will always find!
- every (working) day write a foreign word in the events - whether known or unknown (to repeat)
- collect more ideas and low disk - often I leave it to me only through my head are going to later ; to forget ter
again - from time to pause, breathe deeply and think of something else ... what is more important
- more patience, not can be brought down immediately on the palm
- not place themselves under pressure to implement all resolutions! :))

I never wrote down my resolutions, for I have always believed and I think es immer noch, dass dies nichts bringt. Und jetzt mache ich es aus purem Interesse, mal schauen, was daraus wird:)


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