Early presidential elections in Kazakhstan will be held April 3, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/russian/news/ Terrorist-Message-2011-02-05-115392514.html? c = y Terrorist Doku Umarov, who calls himself the supreme amir "of the Caucasus Emirate", published on an extremist website Kavkaztsentr "video, in which actually took responsibility for the attack at the airport "Domodedovo" 24 January this year, Russian media reported quoting the website "Kavkaz-line". He also promised "year of blood and tears": according to the militants, he plans to commit acts of terrorism, once a week or once a month, leaving their regularity "At the discretion of Allah", quoted Umarov Information Portal newsru.com. In a video said that Umarov has visited the base "Riyadus Saliheen" and made statement on the ongoing operations in Russia, which would be sent on a mission fighter named Sayfullah.
Video not dated, but it is clear that it was made before the explosion at a Moscow airport.
However Umarov in the video appears Khamzat Amir, commander of a battalion of death "Riyyadus Saliheen, as well as a young man who calls himself" Sayfullah. Markedly its resemblance to a photograph of Magomed Yevloyev from the Ingush village of Ali-Yurt который накануне был объявлен предполагаемым смертником, взорвавшим себя в Домодедово, пишет «Новая газета».
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