Saturday, February 26, 2011

Embalming Jobs In Japan

Exhibition "KGB: The people of destiny, operations»

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Creatine Heart Enlargement



Dedicated S. 13.9.1975-8.2.2010

your eyes seemed as inexplicable, an infinite expansion of dancing Blautöne.Marineblau and cobalt and turquoise colors and himmelblau.Blau as the sky, like a precious sapphire, and a cornflower blue as the Ozean.Sie sparkled when you have discussed with some idiot and they sparkled so bright, when a smile brightens your face hat.Ihr fire warmed me, if you came closer to me a kiss on the lips to breathe & its cold I shivered again, each time when you put on your Eisprinzessinmaske hat.Und but ... they were a sea full of wonders, & not saying at first glance, second glance at the whispering.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Building An H Frame For Tv Wall Mount

Osetinizatsiya Caucasus

Osetinizatsiya Caucasus


Niyson Leach

in the history of the Ingush and Chechens were a lot of black dates, but most of them black - is Feb. 23 1944. It took so many years, but I still remember the memory of my mother and father, the memory of the classics of poetry Ingush Dzhamaldinov Yandiyev and Ali Hashagulgova and memory, which has become during the life of the Ingush classic literature, Issa Kodzoev. Memory of my people, remember chilling words of deportation, cold and hunger, disease and death. His memory imprinted in my soul the devil and dance celebration of those who accompanied Stolypin carriages, under the string score eviction Ingush. I remember the joy and those who came to the Ingush land from South Ossetia to move into exempt from the owners of the house.

This is where lie the origins of global osetinizatsii Caucasus. Although, to be exact, for the Ingush people, it started much earlier. Firstly, with the removal of the administrative center of the Ingush Autonomous city Vladya Caucasus in 1933. and secondly, to its abolition in 1934.

on the tarmac by Stalin and his heirs by Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin and Galazov road inter-ethnic strife and hatred continue to carry the banner osetinizatsii Caucasus contemporary provocateurs, despising the Lord's commandment that "loving violence His soul hates" .*

So, North Ossetian expert imperial science discord and grazing Peoples George Zozrov in December 2010. said to REGNUM News: "Our neighbors still hold the stone in his bosom. The Constitution of Ingushetia remains an article that prevents to establish good neighborly relations between the two peoples. Territorial claims should be legally removed.

Public Organizations in North Ossetia, while not in harmony with God and conscience, and with Messrs. G. and D. Zozrovym Gabachievym also noted at the imperial field of opposing nations, demanding that the leaders of Ingushetia, to repeal article 11 of the Constitution RI.

be honest to the end, you ought to present their proposals in the following wording: "We - Ossetian provocateurs and extremists, do not recognize the Constitution and laws of the State, demand that the leaders of the repressed peoples forever renounce territorial claims to ethnic groups not to deport our godfather priest Joseph Dzhugashvili. Second, stop all sorts of claptrap about the genocide, allegedly committed by against your people. Thirdly, to amend the Constitution of their republics article on the abolition of the concept of love for the Motherland. "

Member of the North Ossetian parliament, a former champion in karate and is therefore very well-known "experts" Boris Kantemirov international relations, he decided, as karate, crumble the Gordian Site terrorism one point hit, "creating a voluntary national teams units." They are, in his view, will carry out "tasks implementing anti-terrorist measures "by" joint patrols with the traffic police personnel at the entry ways. "

His yes-man, Lt. Col. Alexander Ramon, stagnant in the retirement, wants to be kneaded and pobryatsat bones "set up in every village along the border with Ingushetia group of local population of 15-20 people to help in organizing the MIA-time protection for the administrative border and to stop infiltration into the territory Republic of the elements of armed gangs. " All these provocations are pearls in an interview Tengiz Doguzova site "Bulletin of the Caucasus."

Stunning by its illogical, if not absurd, conclusion from this, a rare coherent, vereschanya Kantemirovskaya-Ramond duo makes T. Doguzov: "If it were not monstrous corruption of law enforcement officers, half of the terrorist attacks could have been avoided. "

I can not understand, my dear Tengiz, with what purpose will be created in such a case, these "units of the PSD" and "a group of local residents: for the fight against the monstrous corruption law enforcement agencies or to counter "the penetration of elements of gangs »?!.. Or they will form because of the "necessary return the lost trust, the lack of which is so depressed G. Zozrov? Or rather all things, "the elements of armed gangs" Ossetia headed by B. Kantemirova and A. Ramonovym will be conducted jointly with the Interior Ministry special actions for the stripping of the Ingush and implement a variety of provocations against them, forcing the situation in suburban areas. Since they were in 1989, 1992 he.

finale of this anti-Ingush hysteria played the head of North Ossetia, T. Mansurov, which after the explosion Vladikavkaz on the market, said that "the next 10 years Ossetian society will have to live under martial law." In this regard we should recall galazovskoe state of emergency for the preparation of genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Ingush Suburban Region.

Eerie parallels ...

I would very much like Ossetians to ask your Head of the Republic about how much their sons he was going to lay the ground for the next 10 years, he predicts, martial law and will there be among the dead Ossetians he, his sons and the next rodstvennichki. So the exact figure in 10 years, dear Ossetians should not confuse you. Apparently, T. Mansurov plans to control you more than 10 years, because the horses in midstream, and agents provocateurs, especially in conditions of martial law, not me.
Scuba, the true significance of these provocative torrents is that they all yearned for blood ... the sons of Ingushetia and Ossetia, which they shed able to consolidate or to seize power and to satisfy his own, devouring them from within, greedy desire for wealth.

That's the same way, pumping anti-Ingush hysteria, creating an illegal gangs, carrying out various kinds of provocation and the killing of Ingush, Ossetian and Sergey Akhsarbek Kudarskiy, with the blessing Tsar Boris debauchee, laid the first stones in the future Walk of fallen heroes Ossetia. But they themselves, their kids, and even some long unsold nephew somehow preferred to avoid the fate of the honorable burial at this Mall. After all, they somehow deserve it more than those whom they buried in the ground, unleashing a "Patriotic war "against the Ingush aggression ...

By" noble "cause of protection of the Fatherland from the Ingush aggression of their last-in power, certainly, nip off from the treasury a certain number of finance from the salaries of teachers, doctors and other Ossetian state employees to purchase vehicles, military equipment, weapons and payment of "inverse exploit "future assassins, their leaders and organizers. Given the greed-ranking North Ossetian grabbers, you can not forget the fact that most portion of funds earmarked for "defense of the Motherland" will be an elementary plundered them.

In fact, all these statements South Ossetian "Crusaders" means an offer to ordinary Ossetians entered in units of future torturers and victims of their policies, provoking inter-ethnic massacres. In parallel with this will go up in turn for a residence permit on the new "elite" cemetery - another Walk of Heroes Ossetia, who will forever lie down in the ground g.Vladey Caucasus in favor of continuing osetinizatsii Caucasus. The distribution of roles has long been painted human history: the one - to rest in the damp earth, other - From the "sorrowful" mines and greasy, bloated with fat, souls lay flowers on their graves, utter empty speeches and ... to burn money earned in their blood. As they say mobsters, "nothing personal, just business."

In the end, the same analysis, the South Ossetian problem of "crusaders" is in the final and irrevocable acceptance of the Ossetian people in the Troops of Satan and his excommunication from God. Truly so, for the Lord "hates all workers of lawlessness ».**

Based on the foregoing, it begs no consolation for the Ossetian people's conclusion: his main enemy is the proper authority, which, in an embrace with the ruling "elite" of the Russian Empire, egg Ossetians, not only on the Ingush, but almost the entire Caucasus and all repressed peoples.

Ossetian people is vital to identify ways of its further development on the basis of religious and moral precepts of the scriptures, the current political situation, historical doom of the Russian Empire and the prospects of the need for peaceful coexistence with other peoples of the Caucasus. Only In this case, he realizes that the Russian-Ossetian State OPG (organized crime) for him a hundred times more dangerous than imagined and swelling it Ingush or Georgian aggression, because "the enemy, standing in front, a better friend, standing behind ».***

Lord Byron said:" The past - the best prophet the future. " Take a look at 1989 - 1992 years, and do not be lazy, remember how many of those provocateurs who called you - the Ossetians to "holy war" with the Ingush, buried in the Alley of Heroes g.Vladey in the Caucasus? In this sense, is very symbolic and said Sergei Kudarskiy: "The Ossetians can sleep peacefully. For each Ossetian Ingush were killed ten ».**** translates into universal language and this is meant: "Sleep, dead Ossetians, quietly. Survivors of the Ossetians, be us grateful for it, and do not interfere with our rip you and dominate you, and then ... »

But calm and does not smell, as is evident from the speeches of today's provocateurs suiting another "ambush for the shedding of blood" after more than 18 years after the massacre of 1992. It turned out that we need new human sacrifice at the altar confront our people, hoisted in g.Vladey Caucasus Russian-Ossetian State OPG. Relay, you understand. And that means, ladies and Ossetians that they are going to continue to pass from one generation to the other provocateurs opportunity to dominate and warming our hands on the etched and flowing out of it, the inevitable death of our sons, grandsons and great-grandchildren ...

How many of these blacksmiths of our strife suffered poverty or extreme poverty since 1992? How many of They were deprived of their posts? The answer is clear and obvious to everyone and therefore suggest that the Ossetian people by their money, not cost, money to buy Zozrovym and Gabachievym, Kantemirova and Mamsurov and other provocateurs rifles and machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades and send them along with their kids and nephew a "crusade" in Magas.

bearers of the army of Satan will look very organically son Akhsarbek Ossetian - Alan Galazov and Babes or grandchildren Sergei Kudarskiy. Oh, and the Ossetian people need to advance to reserve their place on the new Walk of Heroes in g.Vladey Caucasus. It is also extremely it is important to prepare pre-forms on them posthumously, and Vladikavkaz diocese to decide on future reckoning of the Fallen Heroes next ethnic cleansing in the ranks of martyrs All Ossetia.

purpose of a "crusade": or to compel the People's Assembly of Ingushetia and the President to cancel Article 11 of the Constitution, or erase Magas, Ingushetia, and the whole face of the earth to forever bury "the territorial claims of the Ingush aggression."

With regard to the Ingush authorities, it would, except for five members of the People's Assembly of Ingushetia (RI Albogachiev, U. Barkinhoev, Love Dudarova, M. Dzaurova and A. Belharoeva), cast at the feet of the Ossetian "Crusaders" this notorious article 11 of its Constitution. What is proven by the following facts.

At first, do not use it is absolutely legitimate, from a legal perspective, the initiation of judicial review, up to the Strasbourg Court, the issues related to the territorial rehabilitation of repressed peoples, genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Ingush in 1992. and fascist discrimination Ingush population Prigorodny region of North Ossetia from 1992 to 2011.

Secondly, the actual failure to fulfill the requirement of Article 11 of the Constitution, when the deputies, except those already mentioned, and the President of RI in 2009. have not rejected the law on local self-government to implement the law "About rehabilitation of repressed peoples" and at the suggestion of Yu-Bek Yevkurov "anchored in (!) Municipal Boundaries."
Third, they were castrated Hymn of the Republic of Ingushetia, which Now, thanks to them, performed without words.

Fourth, the President, government and parliament - are working very hard shower of corrupt and will work relentlessly on, not speaking to protest (until their collective resignation) against kidnappings of our youth and extrajudicial killings of her. "

Credo Kholuy their life: to please the rulers of the Russian empire, to snatch his slo huge chunks of the budget pie and hem to hold power. In sense of pleasing the parent extremists very symbolic statement of the President of RI Yu-Bek Yevkurov, in which he confessed to receiving the installation of an extremist Russian leadership that the execution of legal acts of the rehabilitation is "impossible and impracticable from the point of view (!) the country's leadership ».***** Thus, principal value is of the opinion Barina, but not the Constitution and laws, which, on presentation of the Ingush lackeys of the Empire, are just worthless scribble. That's really, truly: "Sneak and dream stands at attention» .*

But what do you do with the Ingush people - it's a great question. Russian-Ossetian OPG for the past decade, from 1944 to 2011. amounted to "Black Book" of their crimes, in which each Ingush families written by its own separate tragic page pain and grief, suffering and sorrow. These pages are filled with blood and tears, each of them appear the images of slaughtered loved ones, the types of homes and villages taken away, outraged graves and cemeteries, and over all this picture of lawlessness and violence soar Russian-Ossetian Spirits of bigotry. Everything is so imprinted in the memory of the Ingush people. For better understanding, awareness of this fact will give an example of the shrill words from Maliki's forum Ingushetia.Org of 04. 03.2009 in her words, the hidden heart of what my people live: "In memory of my mother, who in the last moments of his life said:" If only heaven was like a Southern ».**

not difficult to guess with some sadness dies mom Maliki. It is not difficult to imagine with what, tearing the soul, feelings, lives her daughter and that she will tell their children. Her mother was thrown from his own house of the Russian-Ossetian punishers. They or their heirs illegally made it taboo to stay Maliki, but open to the godless, and thus is absolutely immoral and lawless existence in it Kudarskiy Marauder.

And no less shamelessly immoral- and extremist, and a lawless activities of those who seek to justify this, which stretches to 1944., arbitrariness and abuse of morality. Actually all of them, from Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev with all their ministerial-parliamentary attendants and to a fine provokatorishki, act as advocates The devil, not champions of God and His Commandments.

And what do you - nonhumans, be able to make this our longing for justice and retribution, according to the law those who made these atrocities? Put them to the wall? Bury or drown in a sea of tears and blood? Or throw them, bound together with helicopters, as did the Russian punishers with Chechen women and children, returning afterwards to his lair in the Caucasus g.Vladey? But all in vain and prone to just sprawl longing for justice and retribution - they will again and again to rise up against you with redoubled force.

name of the Lord and committed by them stories humanity testify: you're doomed ...

And here it should also be said of the terrorists who do not wish to acknowledge the truth of the commandments of God Allah: "Whoever kills a man not for murder or spreading mischief on earth, as if he slew all men, and who save the life of man, he seemed to retain life for all people ».*** Terrorists, arranging the bombings on civilian targets and transport, killing innocent people, set up the Russian and other peoples of Russia against the North Caucasian peoples, thereby providing an invaluable service to disorderly in the Caucasus of the Russian-Ossetian State OPG. They discredit the idea of national liberation struggle of the peoples of the North Caucasus, help is charged into the Russian empire click to strengthen her power and satisfy his insatiable greed.

Same called them terrorists, Islamists, there is something more than a world-scale provocation to the opposition of people on sectarian grounds and, unfortunately, it is possible provocateurs. Based on the logic of the provocateurs who run this insidious label of contention in the global treatment of those who carried out the genocide against the Chechens and Ingush, holds a special operation to destroy North Caucasians in the past two decades, and occupies the ancestral Georgia should christen hristianistami. But it will not be true. What attitude towards Christianity may have a Russian-Ossetian punishers and their owners, who for 18 years, day and night, subjected to "crucifixion" of Christ and the commandments of the Lord on giant bloody crosses erected by of the bodies destroyed the Ingush and Chechens, and now exterminated the North Caucasians? ..

This indisputable fact is confirmed, including, and following arguments: martyrology of the North Caucasians slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, which is not comparable in scale with the number of victims of terror in several thousands of people. The latter figure is in no way is not an indulgence, to forgive and justify terrorism.

Speaking about terrorists, it must be emphasized that they - the generation of national penal policy of the Russian Empire, the chariot of state terrorism which is harnessed to the South Ossetian State OPG. Consequently, they apply equally to terrorists responsible for the blood of innocent people who shed the past in Russia and, in particular, North Caucasus.

But we are tired of waiting for our "straight from the tin" extremists.

Zozrovy Lord, you are, and D. Gabachiev, mixed up God's gift to the eggs and carry ignorant and provocative nonsense with the Jesuit-insidious incitement to Ossetians and Ingush in the other repressed ethnic groups. This stone (v. 11 - NL), which sits you so concerned about, is not in the bosom of your neighbors - the Ingush. His "holds in his bosom," the Russian parliament, accepted, I emphasize, not Ingush, and the Federal Law "On Rehabilitation (vseh!) Repressed Peoples" and the Russian Constitutional Court, which recognized his territorial part in its determination of December 1, 2005.

you as an expert should have been aware that this is why the President and the Parliament of Ingushetia not eligible "Legally remove the territorial claim, although they periodically and doldonyat that no question of the territorial rehabilitation of the Ingush and hence all repressed peoples.

Judging by the content and logic of the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activities", dated 25 July 2002, all of the above persons irrespective of their nationality or position, are particularly dangerous state criminals - extremists People's Career massacre. They are in urgent need of isolation from society with lifelong involuntary treatment of political schizophrenia, periodically passing in manic-paranoid delusions about the need to strictly abide by the criminal orders of their superiors to ignore the laws of the State and conduct operations of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

If you continue, ladies and Ossetians will allow politicians - provocateurs befuddle your mind our children and grandchildren again and again will destroy one another, because "who does not realize a mistake - make another ».**** But the inevitable end of our confrontation, organized by the authorities of the Russian Empire and Ossetian State OPG predicted history of mankind which the name of the Lord shows that "people have fallen into the pit that they dug ».*****


* The Bible, Psalms, 10:5
** Ibid, 5:6
*** Georgian proverb
** ** Newspaper North Ossetia's "Republic" of 11. 12. 1992.
***** Interview with Yu-Bek Yevkurov Novaya Gazeta on 09.02.2009g.
* Jewish proverb
** South - is a village in Vladikavkaz, the private accommodation of Russian citizens of Ingush nationality, as well as the October, Chernorechenskaya and Turk.
*** The Quran, 5:32
**** Ossetia, saying
***** The Bible, Psalms, 9:16

Osetinizatsiya Caucasus

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2007 Chevrolet Extended Cab Subwoofer Enclosure

vanillaxblonde @ 2011-02-20T05: 33:00

My right right place is free ... is the perfect

Beta Readers, of course not, but if you have fallen on either head or mouth and creativity do not have to look first in the dictionary ... I would have a place in my creative side to forgive. :)
Above-average knowledge of German is not necessary for an editor I have already, but n 'certain level of language should be available. Ideally, you are female, at least 18 and have to Femslash & Smut no problem. Report
If interested .. simple.

Vanishing Point Movie

vanillaxblonde @ 2011-02-20T05: 07:00

Many of my messages / text / graphics & tutorials are open only to friends of my blog. Time has unfortunately just shown that there are still many non-creative beings who feel the work of my hands off as their own need to & on the Internet as courageous, anonymous Kommentarkritzler I did not really want.

Other Hobby writer / graphic designer I know and I will send 'invitation, ask who else has any interest to contact us. ;)

Until further notice this journal is friends locked, but here is nothing that is not available for English audience as always you can find my work at DeviantArt, and FictionPress.

Love, Ann

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Headstones For Graves/maryland

olgard @ 2011-02-15T12: 45:00

Video: Sensational Interview Press Secretary Hamovni-electric vessels and television "Rain"

Columbus Ohio Driver's License Renewal Branches

olgard @ 2011-02-15T12: 35:00

Lessons Domodedovo

perpetrators of terrorist acts have found, the customer is known, the guilty - no?

31.01.2011 year
Author: Akram Murtazaev

landed in Domodedovo 12 hours before the explosion. When we flew out of Berlin, the grandson of a nod to the military with assault rifles, he asked: "What are they doing here?" I replied: "maintain order". At Domodedovo military was not. It was deserted and quiet, except for a gaggle of Uzbeks and Tajiks, was sitting on the floor near the entrance to the Cafe Asia. Facebook itself.

output was free. Nearby there was not-to-th. Could not help thinking that seems to be a terrorist threat in Germany than in Russia. But then happened to 16.32. But it could happen in those New Year days, when a dark Domodedovo accumulated many thousands of people, when there was not that metal detectors - Not even water to infants. And all this horror could have been tripled and increased tenfold.
hysterical materialism

When a flood of information, thought that pain, death, sympathy for the relatives of the dead, alas, not became a hard limiter professional zeal of the media. Somehow I missed a short pause, even not minutes, and days of silence, at least until the funerals of the victims, it was possible to show a little tact. But the haste with which the various media fell out completely sometimes absurd version, tried to overtake each other on the number of details of a bloody explosion seemed unethical (newspapers excitedly reported - complete version of the explosions on our site). Sometimes - even ugly.

One of the main lessons of the tragedy must surely be considered the failure of the media. Not talking about the helplessness of the vertical victorious report of anti-terrorist services. This is not news. Such has been going on for years. But first bungling and provocative work of media showed so clearly, and for the first time it has caused such a sharp rejection.

Explosion in Domodedovo showed that the gap between reality and the media was yawning. There, the smoke stopped blood, removed the corpses, weeping and moaning people (all of which will then be called pathetic - a national tragedy). And on the screen danced and sang, fell in love and changed .... The first message is a channel "Russia-24" (2% of its viewing audience). City Channel "TV Centre", which, in theory, obliged to inform about the main events Moscow, spoke about the bloody events at Domodedovo for nearly an hour later ... Meanwhile, CNN and the BBC has a vengeance driven information about the explosions. Do not shame that the news of Russia first to report the foreign media?

hypocrisy and servility official channels were known. Now their failure became apparent. How to deal with it? I remember, in Poland during the Solidarity people during a newscast to protest put the TV screen in the window. Found Here's a way to smash their heads against the reality and fiction.

Then the silence was broken through this avalanche. I do not know whether intentionally or not, but she finally confused man in the street, leaving in the minds of only one thing: the explosion - the work of the Caucasians. Almost immediately at the scene was discovered by the head terrorist, hastily called Arab. Ethnicity was determined by the head, of course, without examination, and the media quickly began to build many version. Then the head was Caucasian, and two days later - Slavic, belonging to a certain Razdobudko, of course, converts to Islam (during the search of his the house was found the Koran).

from "law enforcement sources" (note that there are more sources that receive a fee for information than the people who know how to prevent terrorist acts) are periodically merged into a diversified media attention - that the scene was seen the girl in the burqa, the witnesses "saw the inhabitants of the mountains, darting into the crowd. The testimony contradicted each other, as if confirming the axiom operatives: no one is lying, as witnesses. But all these facts immediately found a place in the newspapers. We have to admit: if the media did not inform the very high quality, then foment anti-Caucasian and anti-Islamic sentiments are able to fairly decent.

And on Saturday an official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin announced the disclosure attack in Domodedovo, suicide was the 20-year-old native of one of the North Caucasian republics. " Name and surname of the terrorist have not been announced - apparently, it's time the secrets of the investigation.

Where was she before? (Incidentally, in Pyatigorsk city's residents had been beaten by the suspect's father Razdobudko).

composition of blood as part of a crime?

I do not know what the purpose pursued Markin, calling the criminal "a native of one of the republics." To put under suspicion all? And why are not named names and nationalities of those who blow this terrorist attack? Who of the policemen on duty that day at Domodedovo (And it would be useful for the public to know and national composition of the owners of the airport) and resigned to, as the newspapers, "shake and guest workers traders? (This is, in fact, accomplices in the crime, which must also be under suspicion).

And who is personally responsible for the FSB security at crossings (born any edges?) Why does not report on national and religious affiliation of mysterious members of the National Counterterrorism Center? Maybe human journalist Vadim Rechkalov, decided to call the nationality of those who wrote about the nationalities? I quote him: "Immediately after the announcement Markina internet resource" Lenta.Ru ", edited by a Jew born in Moscow, Anton spout, said that" the bomber from Domodedovo was a 20-year-old Caucasian. "

why we began to share not on the people and freaks, and on Russian and Caucasians?

Domodedovo But I think that was the starting point. Arose (So far only occurred) a certain moral force, which began to ask questions, that does not absolve themselves of responsibility for what happens. Which is a pain wondering about what's happening.

I read D. Dondureya: "I think the blame for today the whole world outlook and moral situation in our country, for which responsible not only power, but all the elites, and all media and all artistic culture, and, in general, we all, the whole country .... And I do not think it is important that today we know that one particular terrorist lone under a name, here it is, the monster did it. "

And I want to quote the words of a Russian priest, which he said is not in the media, of course, and the Internet, but rastirazhirovanny bloggers, this monologue has reached many thousands of readers:

«In the class for my daughter (First class), a third of Asians and Caucasians, it is in the heart of Peter. They would see our culture, imbued with. They're Russians! But who needs them, do they see in them fellow citizens? Slaves and Gaster ... everything for the rest are Russian. Otherwise, who is plagued by bombings in the country will remove the latest cartoon about a princess Shamahanskuyu that clearly from the Caucasus, the bald and scary, and wants to enslave the Russian beauties. In serials, the movies you've always seen Caucasians kind, sensitive, loving? But only in the CKFO home to nearly 9 million people. Or for the empire is dust? And as we live here together, not work, and to love one at all home? Where is this church that teaches morality, love and patience?

I love God, but not Gazoslavie. I love the Orthodox faith, my way of life and the books of Holy Russia. But I have a social conflict with the ROC. Do not burn incense in front of tanks, riding in the Caucasus, in speaking of repentance, murderers and thieves, called war on war, do not meddle in other countries. Why? You little temples? Be God's people. You are given the crazy money, do not be a new "Zenith". Not pozorte Orthodoxy, otherwise we will not see our children Russians. Us Do not feed ice cream alone, we need God and the Gospel. And an honest church. "

Beneath these words is ready to sign.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Breathing Rate For German Shepherd

Lessons Domodedovo

Oleg Orlov: Caucasian Knot delayed - Radio Liberty © 2011 RFE / RL, Inc.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mv42v1.3 Controladores

olgard @ 2011-02-12T10: 09:00

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Common Is Osteopenia

CEC adopted a statement on kazhi Amant participate in the presidential elections of Kazakhstan Frames militants "

Gang Bang Annabelle Chong

Kazakhstan will provide legal and consular assistance to militants from Dagestan

friend who was killed in special operation in Chechnya, Moscow region resident claims of persecution by the FSB
Feb. October 2011, 17:44 In Mission Human Rights Centre "Memorial" in Grozny addressed each of the deceased in a special operation in Chechnya, Moscow region resident, 51-year-old local resident Magomed Edilov, who complains of harassment by the FSB. Edilov As stated, the problems had started after his friend 26-year-old Nikita Blaschke, a native of Ramenskoye, Moscow region, was killed in Chechnya under unclear circumstances.

According to official information Blaschke, was killed Oct. 25, 2010 at resisting the Law Enforcement Agencies. Under him, according to security officials, was discovered by machine, four cartridges and two
phone, one number with Moscow.

According to the same Edilova, October 21, Blaschke was riding on a train from Moscow to Grozny to visit him, as pre- notified by phone. Mohammed was supposed to meet him on 23 October at 6.40 MSK in the village of scarlet Shelkovskaya district of Chechnya.

"On this day in 6.20 MSK Edilov called Blashkovu to a mobile phone, but it was switched off - the report says "Memorial" that were sent to the "Caucasian Knot". - At the station, a young man from the train did not come out. Edilov went to the railway station in Grozny, hoping to meet him there, assuming that the Blaschke drove the station by mistake or had overslept. However Blashkova the train was not there. In a survey of the conductor Mohammed learned that two guys in one of the coaches who spoke in Russian, have decided to go out Grozny in the village Chervlennaya taxi.

After that, as stated Edilov, he returned to scarlet, asked the guard at the station, but found him so Blashkova and failed. Edilov left guard your phone number in case his friend announce at the station. Then returned to the station in Grozny, and continued to question Station employees. Approximately 17.00 MSK he turned to the police department for transport during the first railway station in Grozny for the application of the disappearance Blashkova, but the police statement was not adopted, arguing that the appeal should be the place of residence of the disappeared. Edilova, in his words, even not allowed to the department, spoke with him via phone intercom.

The same evening Edilov Blashkova informed relatives about his disappearance and those in their turn, told him the number of the car and seat a young man on the train. The next day Edilov returned to the police department at the station and found that Nikita
Blaschke was off the train in the city of Mozdok in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

then deputy chief of police called one of the two policemen who accompanied the composition, which should fix the withdrawal of passenger trains, but nothing they did not know about. Policemen referred that the conductor did not tell them what had happened. The conductor confirmed that Blashkova taken off the train, but that should warn police about the fact removal from a train passenger and draw up a statement, she did not know.

"Edilovu Later it became known that the night in a compartment of the conductor arrived, four men (two in the police form, two men in plain clothes) and told that they needed Nikita Blaschke "for a short conversation." They went out together into the street, then returned to pick up personal belongings and ticket Blashkova. From conversations deputy chief of police at the railway station with other members Edilov realized that people who took away Nikita, introduced the FSB, "- said in a message of" Memorial ".

As reported by human rights activists, 24 October 2010 at 19.53 MSK on the phone came Edilova text message: "Brother Mahomed, do not worry, I'm with my brothers, as an opportunity, go out on a relationship." The next day Edilov phone sms reported to the police department at the railway station. Employees of the department asked him to urgently come to him with a telephone, which he did. At this time in the police department for Transport questioned police officers who accompanied the train.

"During the interrogation, attended a man in military uniform, in uniform of lieutenant colonel, who is said to Edilovu came from Rostov region. Lieutenant colonel, having received information about the message, requested "break" the phone number from which it was sent, - the report said. - Around the end of October Edilovu Blashkova called his mother and asked to go to the prosecutor Achkhoi-Martan district of Chechnya, from where she called. Edilov instructed to do this to his niece, who lives in Achkhoi-Martan. The prosecutor's office reported that Nikita Blaschke was killed during a special operation in Urus- Martan district ".

In early November 2010 inter-district prosecutor's office investigator Achkhoi-Martan district Edilova summoned to testify. He said, that Blaschke, was killed Oct. 25, 2010 at resisting the Law Enforcement Agencies. According to investigators, was found at Blashkove automatic, four cartridge and two phones: one with his Moscow number, and another - the one with which it was written in a text message.

"Edilov doubt that the phone belonged Blashkovu therefore proposed to make a printout of calls to find out who actually use the phone. To this the investigator said, that calls on the phone too much, "- human rights activists reported.

At the request of the mother Blashkova 11 November 2010, Magomed Edilov Nikita took the body and buried him.

Employees Memorial Edilov said that "the body of Nikita had multiple signs of violent death, the tips of the fingers were blackened. "He took pictures of the body and sent their mother Nikita. Blashkova into the killing he repeatedly took the readings in the various organs of power structures," - The report says human rights center.

remainder of this report noted that "19 January 2011 Edilovu came home to three armed men who presented themselves as FSB officers, but the documents did not show. "" They took Magomed in operative investigation of the Chechen Interior Ministry for questioning. Edilov said all their questions about the circumstances of the abduction Blashkova. One of the security services on behalf of Nicholas threatened to Mohammed, but after talking several times asked him: "Well, what do we do?". Edilov could not understand the question. Then the officer explained that he "must work for them." Otherwise, they can at Edilova "Hang up anything that will create a big problem", - reported human rights defenders.

comments from law enforcement authorities of the Chechen Republic on this issue has not yet been reported.

note that this is not the first message from the Chechen security forces of kidnapping and later canonization of their militants. Data from publicly available sources suggest that during 2010 in Chechnya, was recorded six kidnappings and illegal detention by unidentified security forces. Reliably known to return home only two of them. In addition, at the end of September 2010 Human Rights Centre "Memorial", distributed information that during a special operation in Achkhoi-Martan district, security forces abducted seven people and announced that they were involved in illegal armed groups.

"Caucasian Knot" continues to monitor the situation in Chechnya and chronicles the place where terrorist attacks, shootings and kidnappings.
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chief editor of the "interlocutor" Yuri Pilipenko believes that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, responding to the terrorist acts at the airport "Domodedovo", hid the truth. Pilipenko, on ... / Details ... via

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Monday, February 7, 2011

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Early presidential elections in Kazakhstan will be held April 3, 2011 Terrorist-Message-2011-02-05-115392514.html? c = y Terrorist Doku Umarov, who calls himself the supreme amir "of the Caucasus Emirate", published on an extremist website Kavkaztsentr "video, in which actually took responsibility for the attack at the airport "Domodedovo" 24 January this year, Russian media reported quoting the website "Kavkaz-line". He also promised "year of blood and tears": according to the militants, he plans to commit acts of terrorism, once a week or once a month, leaving their regularity "At the discretion of Allah", quoted Umarov Information Portal In a video said that Umarov has visited the base "Riyadus Saliheen" and made statement on the ongoing operations in Russia, which would be sent on a mission fighter named Sayfullah.

Video not dated, but it is clear that it was made before the explosion at a Moscow airport.

However Umarov in the video appears Khamzat Amir, commander of a battalion of death "Riyyadus Saliheen, as well as a young man who calls himself" Sayfullah. Markedly its resemblance to a photograph of Magomed Yevloyev from the Ingush village of Ali-Yurt который накануне был объявлен предполагаемым смертником, взорвавшим себя в Домодедово, пишет «Новая газета».

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Life News learned the name of the bomber in Domodedovo Chechnya: Past and Future War. Part V, the final.
What should Putin?
44. Currently, Putin's policy in Chechnya through Kadyrov and Yamadayev. Putin's plenipotentiary Representative (Ambassador) in the Southern Federal District, Dmitry Kozak, has little influence. He was not even invited, when Putin delivered a speech before a new parliament in Grozny last December. Putin should stop taking direct calls Kadyrov and begin to work more through his envoy and government special services. He also needs to increase civilian cooperation with Chechnya.
45. Putin must continue to reform the army and other power ministries. Acquiring greater control over the army by Sergei Ivanov, Putin has closed for the army, some opportunities for criminal activity - but left the majority of military criminal enterprises intact. He practically did nothing to establish the discipline necessary in a modern army, which direct unstable regions such as the North Caucasus. The latest information on bullying suggests that the discipline is still equivalent to brutality and sadism. Ministry of Interior (MoI) has undergone even less reform. Chechenization Security Service, despite the obvious shortcomings, has shown that local people can cope with the security is better than the Russian troops.
46. Recently, Putin must understand that its current policy not prevent the growth of paramilitary jihadism. Conversely, whenever his subordinates are trying to extinguish the flames, the flame becomes hotter and spreads Putin needs to continue to check their fire hose, he may find that fills the flames with gasoline. He needs to develop a credible strategy use economic and cultural leverage to deal with armed jihadism. Some Russian understands this. Councilor Kozak has recently made lecture, which showed that he imagines in detail the problems arising from the growing military jihadism. Kozak himself in a recent conversation with the ambassador said, that he clearly understands the profound social and economic roots of the problems that Russia faces in the North Caucasus, and understands that their decisions not enough safety measures. But we have not noticed, that this awareness of the true challenges of the office Kozak, Rostov-on-Don, came to Moscow.
47. We should also be aware that Putin's strategy is a negative reaction in Moscow. Excesses of Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin immunity given to him by the federal authorities, and special laws that apply only to Chechnya (for example, the Chechens do not have to serve in the army in other parts of Russia) lead to the fact that some Moscow observers say that Putin has allowed Chechnya de facto secession. Putin is strong enough to withstand such criticism, but can it be done by his successor, is less clear.
Is there a role for the United States?
48. Russia does not consider the U.S. a friend in the Caucasus, and our ability to influence events through persuasion, pressure, or low care. All we can do - is to keep trying to push Russian officials at the top level to realize that their current policy promotes the growth of jihadism, which among other things threatening beopasnosti boundaries, and that Transfer of responsibility for violence and robbery with a corrupt and brutal army to corrupt and violent local power is not a long-term solution.
49. Progress with Putin or with those who come after him, will require close cooperation with our European allies. They, like Russian, tend to see the Chechen problem only with the counter-terrorist side. For example, Britain is closely linking its "dialogue Islam "with a counter-terrorist operation (in which they converge with the Russian), based on the view that there is only one type of Islamic consciousness, and he predisposed to terrorism. This supports the Russian point of view that the issue of the North Caucasus should be sent to Cart terrorism, and to find solution to this problem is mainly meant to find the best way to kill terrorists.
50. We Europeans have to put our proposals on aid for North Caucasus, in another context: "Recognizing the role of religion in the cultures of the North Caucasus, to emphasize our interest in and support for non-religious aspects of the North Caucasus society, including civil society. The latter would require higher sensitivity, because the Russian and local authorities believe that the U.S. is using the civilian society in order to provoke the "orange revolution" and anti-Russian regimes. There is a danger that our partners are working with civil society may be those whom Churchill called "inopportune missionary, who, despite good intentions, can stop a big deal. It should not happen.
51. In our interest to understand the context of what is happening and to emphasize the positive. We can not expect a positive reaction from the Russian, if we limit our statements condemning Kadyrov, the butcher how he would have been neither. We must find areas where we can cooperate with Russian in order to ensure effective assistance to Chechnya. At the same time, we must be careful that our assistance does not look like support for the Kremlin or local government that violates rights rights. We should also avoid the point of view, which supports the assertion of the Kremlin that Chechnya is no longer a humanitarian crisis, and that the UN and its financial Donors should end aid Chechnya, increasing technical and reconstruction assistance. We and other charitable organizations must maintain a balance between humanitarian and reconstructive care.
52. Detracting from the political aspect, the hasty interruption of humanitarian assistance when the rehabilitation program has not yet deployed, will leave a vacuum that immediately benefit from the jihadists. Humanitarian organization of the European Commission, the largest source of aid, began to show signs of a hasty switch to reconstruction rather than humanitarian assistance, and we do not have this follow. Humanitarian assistance has been effective in alleviating the suffering of the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia. It was less effective in Chechnya, where Russian Government and the Kadyrov regime built temporary accommodation centers for returning refugees, but did not provide sufficient resources to provide them with tolerable living conditions. International organizations are faced with limited access to Chechnya for security reasons, but where they can act, they brought very great benefit, for example, the immunization program of the World Health Organization.
53. Resources allocated in Chechnya, often stolen. Although international aid is performing better than in Russia, and the use of funds received is more careful observation, we must realize that aid may be awarded to corrupt officials and state-supported thugs: for example, too much of the money received as a loan for the microfinance program, will be assigned to military units. Presidential Advisor Aslakhanov told us last December that Kadyrov takes his one-third of all aid. Therefore,
maintaining and controlling our humanitarian aid to Chechnya we must expand our efforts in other parts of the region, which also threatens to Jihadism: Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, and possibly of Karachay-Cherkessia. In these regions, we should try to distribute our care (11.5 million dollars for fiscal year 2006) among regional officials such as President Kabardino-Balkaria Kanokov, who showed that they want to hold local reform and get rid of the brutal head of security, the repressive actions that fuel jihadism.
54. We must also work closely with the Kozak (or those who will come after him) in order to strengthen its position against commanders, as well as to all our activities are perceived in Russia as transparent and not aimed at undermining Russia's influence in the troubled region. Perhaps, as is currently the Russian government took the opposite view, it can not be solved to cooperate with the sponsors, UN and international financial organizations in the long-term strategic projects in the region. For example, the Russian government has delayed for a few months of the TACIS program capacity of 20 million euro, was created with the participation of the government.
55. Interagency paper on "U.S. Policy in the North Caucasus - the way forward "indicates a number of important principles for positive engagement. We should support such programs appropriate to these principles, which are the most practical in the current and likely future conditions, and those that will be most effective to help the most vulnerable population, when federal and local authorities have no desire or ability to help, as well as programs, countering the spread of jihadism, both within Chechnya and throughout the North Caucasus. There are areas - such as health care and child health - where we offer assistance to the same with the priorities of Russia, including in ourselves and humanitarian and reconstruction components.
56. We can also provide programs that help create employment space and opportunities for their appearance: Microfinance (where applicable), credit cooperatives and small business development, exchange of students. Sponsored U.S. rates on credit cooperatives and the state budget specialties were more popular. Exchanges through a program of international volunteerism IVP and the program "Community Connections» (Community Connections) - this is a particularly effective way to show future leaders of the world that exists outside narrowly focused promotion they receive. They also generate a chain reaction of business. In addition to these programs on their currently provide an alternative to religious extremism, such assistance as Russian demonstrates that improved management and provision of services can be more effective in stabilizing the region, than trying to establish order by force.
57. Last, we must look to the future in our relations with Azerbaijan and Georgia, seeking to become more active and effective participants in curbing instability in the North Caucasus. It will also serve as their own security interests. Salafis are needed due to their worldwide network. Therefore, strengthening border controls are now more important than ever. Azerbaijan in particular, is conveniently located to trade with Dagestan and Chechnya. Ethnic Azeris, Lezgins and Avars, who live on both sides of the Azerbaijani-Dagestani border, and the friendly relations between Russia and Azerbaijan - are tools for achieving stability.
58. Situation in the North Caucasus has a tendency to instability, despite the increased security in Chechnya. In our opinion, Putin is scheduled to take steps that would have paid this trend. The actions that we have identified for themselves, based on the desire to promote long-term stabilization, building on improved corporate governance, more active civil society and the steps toward democratization. But we need to look realistically at the desire and the possibilities for Russia to take the necessary steps, with our help or without it. This stabilization is unlikely. Policy in Chechnya is likely to sink into a swamp of corruption, and the Kremlin politicians fight for power and succession. " Much more likely that there will come a new phase of instability that will be felt throughout the North Caucasus, and will have consequences beyond its borders.

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In Ingushetia, in contrast to other North Caucasus republics, a few months there have been no loud attack. However, the current the relative calm is not always in the interest of security personnel, primarily federal.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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raindrops beat against my window pane and in spite of the blanket, wrapped so tightly around my body, it shivers me. The candle goes out for a moment lift my head, my eyes tear away from gray rain clouds, to dominate not only the sky seem. A deep breath. Was it not just your sense of smell ...? Praesent seen for days? My head falls back on my knees. No. You are already long gone when I could still perceive him. Yet your response is to be heard. Your words repeated like a broken tape in my head. Again and again. So pointless and yet pleasant. I must close only for a moment the eyes to see you again before me. The sparkle in your eyes, your smile, your hand reaching for mine. A deep sigh escapes my throat. How long have I eaten anything? Since when I'm awake? & How many times I've seen on your mobile phone? Minutes and hours to grind out yet ... I'm waiting for you. No message, no sign of you. Come and Stay geh or running away. Pull me away in your arms or shock me. Just do not leave me alone with my loneliness. If it does maybe a little bit more painful, since that look in your eyes?

(c) by Ann.

Written, but not paid ... for Karina. I hope it meets your situation a little. ;)
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love? You know you love when allowed, if you give him his eyes and his heart look in it realize ...

* / *

Because you see me, although I prefer invisibility.
Because you hear me, even though my lips remain silent.
Because I feel you, even if you are miles away.
Because you'll take the time, even if you yourself have none.
Because you live, even if it would be easier to go.
Because you judge not, but you do not zuhoerst.Weil reparierst, but again you erschaffst.Weil not replace, completing the document.
Because you are my life. \u0026lt;3

* / *

is so much easier for people to cry, for we were no longer as a second choice than to take our own lives into their hands. & It does so much less painful to ask ourselves why we are not good enough to recognize as that there are people who never knew our value estimate. It costs less to lie to themselves than to face his own demons. No one is loved, to love and be tired. There are only broken promises, bad laminated lies and repeated disappointment to us exhausting being Sun However, it is sometimes better to go run and never see back. For some experiences are priceless.

* / *

bend myself put me in chains. Connect my eyes, my ankle. Gag me, put me in a drawer. Locking me away, I push the throat.

And my shoulders are too narrow for your burden, not my feet too tired for your trip and my hands are not too small to be your world is new to erschaffen.Doch in my breast no room for two souls.

But no matter how often you drueckst.Doch me down no matter how many times you break my resistance and no matter how often you choke my voice ...

is adapted my mind and my heart remains untamed.

* / *

And you stand there and smile me it would be the easiest an.Als standing there on the Welt.Du and look at me, mute your lips form words and my mind, as if he had never exists. And keep standing still, I can not view your time, still remembers my hand to the secure feeling surrounds your hands and your sense of smell could not present sein.Es these moments, magical and almost indestructible,
undoubtedly nervous and thinking in which my inmost spills over and getting lost in your arms wuenscht.Denn du .. you're a pure feeling.