Wednesday, March 31, 2010
How Does A Fibre Optic Tree Work
Known, so are vacations, which means you can concentrate on his hobbies extensively. That was until tonight by 3 first Modern Warfare 2, because the map pack came out. But basically it is more the guitar. I try to make reasonably clear what I have made the days so. Actually, I just wanted to play Triptych, a song for which you need the tremolo. I've long since used and so I've only now noticed that the tremolo system of tune the whole guitar up a tone when it anfässt. This has been the ausgeschlackerte springs. So I started to screw, and if you start already ...
First wanted everything has to be sterilized. Between the pickups and the rear doors to accumulate over the years of the worst real dirt. XD
Then it was a screw and clamp the two new springs for the tremolo system. A little adjusting of the screw, et voila. Click once to compare the old, worn-out, which already started to oxidize. Color very nicely.
beautiful. XD Then raise once new strings, because without you can not get the tremolo system into balance, yet conduct the due review on octave purity.
* * * aquatic invertebrates * I do not know why, but live guitarists find it totally amazing to have the strings swirl Sun I find totally ridiculous and annoying, so chuck it out and away! After the strings are stretched, we can bring the tremolo and the bridge in line. Ideally, the bridge is parallel to the body, which can be achieved with the screws on the tremolo springs in order to increase or decrease the tension.
the end it was the first time since I have this guitar, and they are probably now more than 3 years to check the purity octave. Basically this means: When I was 12 (24) grab higher frets, the sound is exactly one (two) octaves higher. Setting the can with the little screws on the bridge you see here.
And that's really crap ne work. It extended or shortened so that is the string length from saddle to the bridge, that is, after each vote you have to screw and then examine what has brought it. This takes for ages for a string, and the guitar has six. XD
Et voila: Gitah shines like new. With slightly elevated Action, new strings, clean frets, adjusted tremolo and new springs. Ohja clean. Tadaaaaa ~
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Using Teddy Bears For Masterbation
and you know with whom did you live, who your neighbors are, and how call them? :) Think it's a simple question? it seems that the translation into Italian of the word "neighbor" have a little think.
there are several options for a neighbor neighbor - are different.
take roommate (often in dormitories). It's all quite simple, it's - compagno di stanza
then happens housemate , which, as you pay the rent and utilities. In Russia, those can be neighbors in the communal, and in Europe, most often it is students who are with you rent accommodation, consisting of several rooms. These are called coinquilino
but if your neighbor lives with you in the apartment, but does not pay for anything (ie not considered as a tenant - inquilino), it can be had called coabitatore . This may be a man from Odessa and the ubiquitous cockroach mustache:) Although the word is rarely used, I think. Well, unless you talk about the same Prusak: Uno scarafaggio è il coabitatore meno preferito nelle nostre case
Finally, there is simply housemate . This is about them, we think, when the knock on the battery, and demand to "stop this outrage!". Of course, we are talking about vicino di casa . Still comes across a word casigliano in the same sense, but it seems to me, it is not used everywhere, and in certain regions.
but will return More to coabitatore. For some reason I immediately wanted to translate it as "companion" :-) But roommate Italian will convivente . And without any negative shade, which is available in Russian. In Europe, living in cohabiting relationships, ie convivenza, is not considered something shameful and in some respects equivalent in some countries to this marriage (from a legal point of view). The word is used in official contexts.
and, finally, there is still mention satellite Life , which is a synonym for "roommate", but a completely different stylistic coloring, - compagno di vita . It seems to me, as in Russian, the Italian this word is frequently heard from the lips of older people, as well as marriage announcements. The Italian "life companion" can still call and home animals, for example. dogs.
the way, if we are in Russian, almost all these words can be translated as "neighbor", in German it will be a "companion" in a literal переводе (т.е. тот, кто живет вместе кем c-то) - Mitbewohner
roommate - Mitbewohner (Zimmergenosse) - сосед (по комнате)
roommate - Mitbewohner - сосед (по квартире или дому)
coabitatore - Mitbewohner - Сосед (по квартире)
neighbor / Castilian - Nachbar - сосед
convivente - Lebensgefährte - Сожитель (гражданский муж)
life partner - Lebensgefährte - Helpmeet
dwell on it, although there could still go further and consider the difference between ragazzo, amico intimo, moroso, fidanzato etc. In this matter, I slightly, not enough experience stay in Italy:)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tkd Uniforms For Women
yes, how to get it, especially if it is to you at birth is assumed? What kind of nonsense, you say. And here and there, some state officials may try to earn this business. Ie on ignorance of the laws of ordinary people.
today I had half a day at the platoon, fumed and raged ... but right now I know my child :-)
and it was like this: I sent my husband at that institution, which should put the stamp of nationality (or liner, that there really do not know) for our daughter, because after that we were going to apply for a child passport. Yeah, summer really want to go to grandma baby, and going to a wedding brother. But he said that's not so simple. Since the child already has German citizenship, you must send a request to the Foreign Ministry, is there an agreement on dual citizenship between Russia and Germany, that a petition for citizenship is considered from 2 to 6 months, and some other nonsense. The husband has not given money and left.
I contacted with the German embassy in Moscow, received advice from a lawyer, had delved into the Federal Law of 31 May 2002 N 62-FZ "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" and realized that all this my husband was a complete nonsense. Spread those two articles that relate to our situation. Maybe someone will be interested to know that:
* * *
Article 6. Dual citizenship
1. citizen of the Russian Federation, which has also another citizenship, is considered the Russian Federation only as a citizen of the Russian Federation , except as provided for in international treaties of the Russian Federation or the federal law.
2. Acquisition of a Russian citizen of another citizenship does not entail the termination of the citizenship of the Russian Federation .
Article 12. The acquisition of Russian citizenship by birth
1. child acquires the citizenship of the Russian Federation at birth if at a child's birthday:
a) both of his parents or single parent are citizens of the Russian Federation (regardless of place of birth of child);
b) one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the other parent is a stateless person, or declared missing, or its location is not known (regardless of place of birth);
a) one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the other parent is a foreign national, provided that a child born in the territory of the Russian Federation or if otherwise he will face stateless;
d) both of his parents or single parent living on the territory of the Russian Federation are foreign nationals or stateless persons, provided that a child born in the territory of the Russian Federation, and the State of which are his parents или единственный его родитель, не предоставляет ребенку свое гражданство.
* * *
Я поняла, что мой ребенок уже в момент своего рождения приобрел citizenship of the Russian Federation (and German too) and that his second nationality does not affect anything. And in Russia it is considered extremely As a Russian citizen.
Total, there can be no question of acquisition of nationality. It already is. It is only necessary to fix dokumetalno.
I was ready to discuss in detail the law with the civil servant who claimed to something else, even to write an application addressed to Chief of FMS Mountains. Moscow Karpovtsu FW, when he (not Karpovets, of course, a civil servant) called her husband on the mobile, apologized and said that tomorrow, all documents will be ready. I stayed again in shock, this time in a positive :-) Here I do not know, until he himself realized that his brazen lies on one, two, or they will bite someone suggested? Wonderful miracles befell Russia in the ...
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mobile Handset Market Share India
very nice post about the spring, could not resist quoting from myself:)
On the way to spring - Verso la primavera
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Recipes After Laparascopic Fundoplication
have a lot of words that I remembered their consonance with related words in other languages.
yet, (Indo) European languages - a big Family:)
se gâter - guastarsi
fuir - fuggire
saisir - to seize
oisif - ozioso
la mouette - die Mö ; we
le vaisseau - a vessel
le témoin - il testimone
en voie de - in via di
Monday, March 1, 2010
Chemo Scarf With Hair
occurred calendar spring ...
interesting and real when it comes? :)
UPD: and this came on March 25