change. I deleted all or almost all the old posts because I do not want anything more from my breizutreten or the life of the slave, my life and my deeds to go in, nobody's business ...
And since I love to quote and quotes .... and also in my Yahoo profile already started doing, and why not here .... just like that, the sentences are worth to be entered here wide ... sometimes the only laugh, sometimes to think and sometimes just to show but some are as crazy ... or just rude and stupid ...* laughing ...
I know there are a norm in the scene .. the Domme is in your Life Journal again what you did, what will make you and what you would ... or what some have to do the slave to do .... etc. should
I kind of really do not want to reveal some more of my life ... who sent me what .. who did what to make itself even more to the monkey, etc.
Of course, I thought yesterday, when I looked at my apartment and saw all the Sasch have achieved, for example within the last six months I ..., it is clear great feeling that despite all this, that no sooner a woman occurred spontaneously is what you like within 6 months it would take a lot of things have become ... the woman has yet to receive you ...
Yes, this feeling is fantastic, it enjoys a woman ... declare that it has what you wanted so, but has spent on a single own cents ... but the money of the number of willing people ... and I know it will be more and more matters likely to be ... yes .. because at the end of the lady is missing but still quite a lot again ... it might new couch her new bookshelves ... ... etc.
When it fell to me to really know what I'm all "acquired" new ...? Probably my
delivery ca. 50 Kilo schwerer Spinning-Rad 4 Etagen tiefer abgeliefert hat um es nicht ganz nach Oben zu schleppen....
an den Tag dachte Ich natürlich an den offiziellen Beweispic, dass Ich das Sklavengeld tatsächlich politisch korrekt "verballert" habe.... aber genau in dem Moment sagte Ich Mir nö.... so viel viel Zwänge machen Mich gar nicht an.... nein! Es machte Mich gar nicht an die Cam zu greifen Pics zu schießen, die Story mit dem blöden Lieferanten zu liefern...nein nein nein... eher freute Ich Mich auf meine Neue "Errungenschaft" ...ließ die zusammen schrauben setzte Mich drauf und genoss das "spinnen"....
Ja ja..Paar Tage später traf dann auch mein Diktiergerät ein...
schon wieder Pics schießen and here to deliver something to read?
No. .. not in the mood ....
this is my joy ... and so it should stay that way ..
Monday probably take my 500 GB external hard drive an ...
again take pictures and deliver here as evidence of the number of people?
No ... there will be no more .. but only secretions of the special spiritual kind ...
And the first proof that some things just cited and others must be made available immediately follows ...